Engineered Solutions, Inc can be an extension of your Product Development, Engineering or Human Relations Team or assume greater
responsibility and administrate the development and staffing functions for you.
Value Proposition
With changing times in business, it is becoming more important to recognize the need for dynamic overhead and resource flexibility. Engineered Solutions Inc offers adaptive resource solutions which meet our clients near to long term needs. We can provide client support through our in-house technical services, contract staffing, direct hire recruitment, or a combination and evolution of these services over time.
Engineered Solutions Inc was founded with the objective of providing all
aspects of Professional Technical Recruitment and Engineering or Technical
Services. We strive to help our clients meet the challenges of achieving dynamic
business and organizational objectives through building strong cohesive teams,
improving operational efficiencies, technical problem solving, and developing
new product solutions.
Engineered Solutions Inc believes in developing long term trusted client relationships by providing high quality services in a timely, professional and ethical manor. We recruit and employ only highly qualified candidates who will provide and possess the integrity, experience and skill set required for their assignment. As our clients needs change with their environment so will our services.